Friday, 7 December 2012

BFP's with Soy Isoflavones.

Last edited 13/04/2011

Name: Beth
Age: 18
Cycle you conceived on: 1st proper cycle!
Days Soy Isoflavones were taken: 2-6
Dosage on those days: 120mg, 160mg, 160mg, 200mg, 200mg
Side effects: None
DPO you got your BFP: 12DPO
Why did you take Soy Isoflavones: To make egg stronger & ensure I actually ovulate.
Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm): Ovulation day stayed the same as usual.
Due date of SI baby: 18.10.11

Last edited 15/02/2011

Name: Jenny
Age: 33
Cycle you conceived on: 3rd cycle(1st on SI)
Days Soy Isoflavones were taken: 2-6
Dosage on those days: 200mg
Side effects: ...Great nights sleep!
DPO you got your BFP: 8DPO(although good strong one on frer & pregnant on CB digi 11 DPO)
Why did you take Soy Isoflavones: To make ovulation stronger(was o.v-ing but impatient for my BFP)!
Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm): No. stayed CD16
Due date of SI baby: 2.9.2011
x x

Posted 15/02/2011

Name: Anna
Age: 38!
Cycle you conceived on: cycle 8 of ttc, cycle 2 of soy
Days Soy Isoflavones were taken: 2-6
Dosage on those days: 140mg
Side effects: none
DPO you got your BFP: 14
Why did you take Soy Isoflavones: low progesterone on CD21 tests
Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm): 1-2 days earlier
Due date of SI baby: 20 October

Posted 20/02/2011
hi, just filling in
age - 33
cycle - 8
days soy taken - cd2 -cd6
dosage - 160mg
side effects - none
dpo that i got BFP - today 15 dpo
why did i take soy - to try and ovulate earlier
did ov date change - yes from cd20 to cd18
due date - end of oct

Posted 21/02/2011
Name: Jen
Age: 29
Cycle you conceived on: We were ttc for 18 months, bfp 1st month taking soya Iso's!
Days Soy Isoflavones were taken: 2-6
Dosage on those days: 160 mg
Side effects: I felt really irritable whilst taking them. Good side effect for me was increased ewcm around time of ov.
DPO you got your BFP: Tested 14dpo
Why did you take Soy Isoflavones: I'd read so many positive stories on the AT board and after trying for so long felt it was worth a go.
Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm): I ovulated much later than usual cd 38.
Due date of SI baby: 9/10/11
Please fill this in if you got your BFP using Soy Isoflavones

Posted 22/02/2011
Name: Stacey.
Age: 26.
Cycle you conceived on: Cycle 10 of ttc, cycle 2 of SI.
Days Soy Isoflavones were taken: 2-6
Dosage on those days: 120mg
Side effects: bad: hot flushes, headaches, disturbed sleep. Good: strong ovulation pains and increased ewcm.
DPO you got your BFP: 14dpo.
Why did you take Soy Isoflavones: I had tried most other things so decided to be a guinea pig. A group of us tried them after reading on the internet that they helped with ttc.
Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm): I ovulated 1 day earlier.
Due date of SI baby: 31st July 2011.

Last edited 06/03/2011

Name: Stacey
Age: 19
Cycle you conceived on: 2 -1 on soy!
Days Soy Isoflavones were taken: 1-5
Dosage on those days: 120mg
Side effects: none, felt sick first day when i took em on an empty stomache!
DPO you got your BFP: 6,7,8,9
Why did you take Soy Isoflavones: i wanted a bubby!! der lol
Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm): 19days earlier than previous cycle!
Due date of SI baby: would have been 13/11/11 - chem mc

Posted 04/03/2011

  • BFP date.   4th March
  • AF due date.   7th March
  • DPO got BFP   12dpo
  • If you had BFN before BFP and how long before BFP. no
  • Any symptoms.   achey nipples, pain low down to the right, funny     taste in mouth and watery, watery cm, very moody in eve, loss of appetite, think thats all?
  • If you have a regular cycle    very 28 days
  • CD's you dtd on  5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14
  • Position   Him on top legs round his neck, I know its a killer! lol
  • What method you used ie:SMEP,LGBP! Meds eg Clomid.   Soy 5-9 80,120,120,160,160 and preseed all first time using, stayed lying down for at least 30 min
  • Any other tips.    Folic acid
  • What HPT you used.    First Responce one test not the early one
  • How long you wre TTC   2nd  month after MMC
  • Name.   Sarah
  • Age (if you want).  37

  • orme1973
    Posted 06/03/2011
    Cycle you conceived on:1st
    Days Soy Isoflavones were taken:2-6
    Dosage on those days:160
    Side effects:none taken just before bed
    DPO you got your BFP:19 days couldn't believe it had worked 1st time
    Why did you take Soy Isoflavones:pcos don't ovulate conceived on clomid before
    Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm):no
    Due date of SI baby:23rd october ??

    Posted 10/03/2011
    Name: Ailsa
    Age: 30 (31 this month)
    Cycle you conceived on: 2nd (1st on soy)
    Days Soy Isoflavones were taken: 3-7
    Dosage on those days: 80, 80, 120, 120, 160
    Side effects: Headaches, tiredness and slight anxiety - all passed when i stopped at cd7. Oh and didn't get much EWCM if any, only watery!
    DPO you got your BFP: 13
    Why did you take Soy Isoflavones: Wanted to improve my chances after hearing so many good things about them!
    Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm): ov'd cd15, cd19 last month so 4 days earlier
    Due date of SI baby: 18/11/2011
    Posted 23/03/2011

  • BFP date.   23rd of march [Very very faint evap looking lines from 16th tho]
  • AF due date.  20th march
  • DPO got BFP   very very faint at between 11 and 13 dpo. Proper BFP today 20dpo lol.
  • If you had BFN before BFP and how long before BFP. Had various neg tests the last couple of days! 
  • Any symptoms.   Nipples are darker. I haven't had a poo for ages. Boobs hurt on and off. Cervix has been mostly high and soft. Day af was due kept getting cramps on and off and cervix kept going from AF style to high and soft, IS really high now. 
  • Had lots of snott like CM.
  • If you have a regular cycle    No.
  • CD's you dtd on  5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, and then didnt get chance to again until CD16?
  • Position   Ooooohhh Lots! Missionary, Doggy, Me on top lol
  • What method you used ie:SMEP,LGBP! Meds eg Clomid. 
  • Had agreed that 'if it happens it happens' and i really wanted to get my cycles regular. Used SI from 3 - 7 :) 160, 160, 160, 200, 200
  • Any other tips.   mmmm i dont know lol
  • What HPT you used.    Superdrug :D
  • How long you wre TTC   Had said if it happens it happens - First time i ever used soy tho
  • Name.   Tonii
  • Age (if you want).  21

  • ljb1984
    Posted 26/03/2011
    Name: Laura
    Age: 27
    Cycle you conceived on: 5 but 1st on SI
    Days Soy Isoflavones were taken: 2-6
    Dosage on those days: 80, 80, 120, 120, 160
    Side effects: none as took them in pm
    DPO you got your BFP: 14/15 - today!
    Why did you take Soy Isoflavones: to increase chances of getting pregnant, also OV happens bit late in month
    Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm): 1 day earlier but 2 strong days instead of building up to it, strong day then slightly going down
    Due date of SI baby: 3rd December 2011

    Posted 31/03/2011
    Name Ellie
    Age 24
    Cycle you concieved on 4th 1st cycle with soya
    Days soya isoflavones were taken on 3-7
    Dosage on those days 80, 80,80, 120, 120
    Side effects none
    Dpo got bfp dont know
    Why did you take SI To make sure i oved
    Did ovulation date change Dont know didnt use opks properly
    Due date of si baby Dont know either but last af was feb 20th

    Posted 01/04/2011

    Name: Michaela
    Age: 34
    Cycle you conceived on: 3rd (1st with Soy)
    Days Soy Isoflavones were taken: 2-6
    Dosage on those days: 96mg (weird Holland & Barrett dosage)
    Side effects: None
    DPO you got your BFP: 12/13 I think
    Why did you take Soy Isoflavones: To shorten cycle
    Due date of SI baby: 8th December

    Posted 13/04/2011
    Name: Donna
    Age: 29
    Cycle you concieved on: 1st with soy (5th over all)
    Days took soy:2-6
    Dosage on those days:80,80,120,120,120
    Side effects: none
    Dpo you got bfp: 9/10
    Why did you take soy: to bring ov forward and lenghten lp
    Due date of si baby: think 24th dec

    Posted 13/04/2011
    Name: Karen
    Age: 32
    Cycle you conceived on: Since starting TTC again after chem preg last year 4th but 1st on SI
    Days Soy Isoflavones were taken: 4-8
    Dosage on those days: 80, 80, 80, 80, 80
    Side effects: none
    DPO you got your BFP: 11
    Why did you take Soy Isoflavones: My cycles had been irregular and wanted a stronger ov and hopefully a day longer on luteal phase.
    Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm): 1 day earlier
    Due date of SI baby: 17th December 2011

    Posted 15/04/2011
    Name: Becca
    Age: 39
    Cycle you conceived on: 4th TTC, 1st on SI
    Days Soy Isoflavones were taken: 2-6
    Dosage on those days: 80, 120, 120, 160, 160
    Side effects: Very bad headaches
    DPO you got your BFP: 12
    Why did you take Soy Isoflavones: It usually takes me a long time to conceive.
    Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm): 2 day earlier
    Due date of SI baby: 14th December 2011

    Posted 19/04/2011
    Name:  jasrunner
    Age:  32
    Cycle you conceived on:  1st cycle taking soy
    Days Soy Isoflavones were taken:  3~7
    Dosage on those days:  9 x 23mg (Holland & Barrett tabs) = 207mg
    Side effects:  none
    DPO you got your BFP:  12dpo
    Why did you take Soy Isoflavones: Firstly because I have long cycles, so taking soy to bring forward ovulation.  Secondly I conceived on the 2nd cycle of taking soy last year, so thought it worth a try again.
    Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm): Yes, 5 days earlier
    Due date of SI baby:  23rd December

    Posted 21/04/2011
    Name: Donna
    Age: 33
    Cycle you conceived on: 11th cycle, 5th cycle using soya
    Days Soy Isoflavones were taken: CD 2 - 6
    Dosage on those days: 200mg
    Side effects: none
    DPO you got your BFP: Dunno as dont chart or do OPK
    Why did you take Soy Isoflavones: To boost OV, found out DB has low sperm count so wanted to boost our chances
    Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm):
    Due date of SI baby: 30 December 2011

    Posted 21/04/2011
    Name: Aimee
    Age: 27
    Cycle you conceived on: 2nd 1st on SI
    Days Soy Isoflavones were taken: 1-5
    Dosage on those days: 200mg
    Side effects: None but slept really well when taking it!
    DPO you got your BFP: 11DPO really really faint 12DPO still quite faint but definite BFP!
    Why did you take Soy Isoflavones: To help conceive as took 2 and half years with first DS and 8 months with second DS. Also had implanon implant out jan 28th so wanted to ensure ov!
    Did ovulation date change (if using opks or cbfm): Dont know never charted before but ov'd CD19
    Due date of SI baby: 31-12-2011!


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